A DUI charge, known as an OVI charge in the State of Ohio, is one of the most frequent criminal charges that attorney Scott Kelly sees in his practice. A DUI charge can happen to anyone, from a friend or family member to yourself. Most people who are facing DUI charges may never have had a more serious brush with the law before. Many people who are charged with DUI do not understand how serious the offense is. For a first time offense, it is a first degree misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum of up to 6 months in jail and $1075 in fines plus court costs. It includes a mandatory license suspension of at least 1 year and mandatory 3 days in jail or 3 day driver intervention program. If you have prior OVI or DUI convictions the mandatory penalties become sever. Many people, especially CDL holders, do not consider the economic impact of a license suspension and increased insurance costs associated with a DUI.
Scott Kelly has built a reputation for providing exceptional criminal defense for clients throughout west central Ohio. With over 15 years of experience, he can help anyone facing almost anything, from first-time misdemeanor offenders to those facing more serious felony charges or probation violations.
From speeding violations and fender benders, to more serious traffic cases that can sometimes even involve the loss of life, you need experienced and tough representation. License suspensions, driving privileges, insurance issues, and dealing with the BMV can be a maze of problems that only experience can handle.
Few things can change your life as quickly as being the victim of an automobile accident. The insurance companies are not there to look out for your interests, but to save themselves as much money as possible. They depend on you rushing to settle your case for pennies on the dollar because of looming medical bills and the need to repair or replace your vehicle. Scott Kelly has litigated numerous automobile accident and other personal injury claims to settlements that can exceed six figures, while also working hard for you to reduce and and have the insurance company pay back your medical bills.